Beginner Beekeeping Workshop 

In this workshop, we introduce asipring beekeepers to the vital role of bees in pollination and honey production. Learn and get familiar with essential beekeeping equipment and hive management techniques, covering topics like beehive basics, beekeeping equipment and safety, hive installation, and colony care.

Beekeepers are guided through hive inspection and maintenance procedures, ensuring the well-being of their bee colonies. Lastly, we teach participants how to harvest honey and prepare their hives for winter to support healthy bee colonies year-round.

This workshop plan is a guideline and can be adapted based on the participants' prior knowledge and interests. Hands-on activities, visual aids, and live demonstrations can enhance the learning experience.


  • Max 8 participants

  • Duration 1 day (8 hours)

  • Location - Vancouver

  • Pricing - $350 / per participant

What to bring

  • protective clothing

  • hive tool

  • lunch / beverages

  • beekeeping instructors

  • apiary ( live bees)

  • training booklet (and a digital copy)

  • classroom facility (theory portion)


Session 1 - The World of Bees (1 hour)

  • Introduce participants to the importance of bees in pollination and honey production

  • Familiarize participants with essential beekeeping equipment and hive management techniques.

  • Welcome and introduction to beekeeping workshop

  • The importance of bees in agriculture and ecosystems

  • Introduction to different bee species and their roles in the hive

  • Life cycle of bees: egg, larva, pupa, adult

Session 3 - Beekeeping Equipment and Safety (1 hour)

  • Essential beekeeping equipment: bee suit, gloves, smoker, hive tool

  • Importance of protective gear and safe handling techniques

  • How to light and use a smoker properly

  • Types of beehives: Langstroth, Top-Bar, Warre

  • Components of a beehive: brood boxes, supers, frames, foundations

  • Choosing the right location for your beehive

  • Installing bees in a new hive: step-by-step demonstration

  • Feeding bees: sugar syrup and pollen patties

  • Identifying and managing common bee diseases and pests

Lunch Break (1 hour)

Session 5 - Hive Inspection and Maintenance (1 hour)

  • Why hive inspections are important

  • How to conduct a hive inspection: tools and techniques

  • Recognizing signs of a healthy hive and identifying Queen presence

    • Documentation

Session 7 - Q&A and Networking (1 hour)

  • Open floor for participants' questions and concerns

  • Sharing success stories and challenges faced by beekeepers

  • Connecting with local beekeeping associations and online resources

What we provide

Session 2 - Beehive Basics (1 hour)

Session 4 - Hive Installation and Colony Care (1 hour)

Session 6 - Harvesting Honey & Winter Preparation (1 hour)

  • When and how to harvest honey: extracting frames and processing

  • Preparing hives for Winter: insulation, ventilation, feeding, reducing entrance

Conclusion - Recap and Next Steps (30 min)

  • Summarize key takeaways from the workshop

  • Encourage participants to begin their beekeeping journey with confidence

  • Provide resources for further learning and support